is the entertaining Summer Challenge for people of all ages!
It can be played by one, two, three, four, or forty – all while out on the trails!
Have you ever done a Mad Lib? If this hilarity wasn’t part of your childhood gamebook, here are the SIMPLE DIRECTIONS:
For each of 5 Kent Land Trust Hiking Preserves there are short stories containing blank spaces where 20 words are left out – these are the “Mad Libs”. Separate “Word Keys” list the words 1-20 with the parts of speech that fit in the Mad Lib.
Download and print the Mad Lib and Word Key corresponding to the Preserve you’ll visit prior to embarking on your adventure. Make sure to bring a pencil in addition to your regular hiking gear. [If we can make fillable PDFs we let people know they can download them to their phones, including from the kiosk]
One player agrees to be the READER. The remaining players are STORYTELLERS. Note: If playing alone, it is possible to be both READER and STORYTELLER so long as one doesn’t look at the Mad Lib until after completing the Word Key sheet.
Markers numbered 1-20 have been posted on the designated trail in each Preserve. Upon reaching each marker, the READER, asks the other players, the STORYTELLERS, to call out words corresponding with the number on the marker and the part of speech (e.g. adjective, noun…) indicated on the Word Key. These words will be used to fill in the blank spaces in the story.
At marker 20, TAKE A SELFIE if you want to share with KLT that you’ve completed the challenge.
The READER can then take words 1-20 and fill them into the Mad Lib on the way back to the trailhead. When the READER then reads the completed Mad Lib to the other players, they will discover that they have written a story that is fantastic, screamingly funny, shocking, silly, crazy, or just plain dumb—depending upon which words each STORYTELLER called out.
Mad Lib
“ [1_________________________] !” the hikers shouted [2_______________________] as they turned the corner on the trail and found a [3 _________________________] [4 ________________________] waiting.
Word Key
Zany Story
“ Wow!” the hikers shouted shockingly as they turned the corner on the trail and found a flashy dog waiting.
Doing the Mad Libs is entertaining enough – completing them in the context of a hike has its additional charm.
But complete the set of 5 to unlock one or more prizes from your friends at KLT.
Complete all 5 Mad Lib hikes: Submit 5 “Marker-20 selfies” (one at each hike) to info@kentlandtrust.org as proof of completion. All FINISHERS receive a prize…and a surprise!
Prizes for MOST CREATIVE, and ZANIEST selfies.
The first 3 finishers receive an additional prize for SPEED.
Send us your Mad Libs (keep it clean, please) to win prizes for MOST CREATIVE, and ZANIEST story.
Feeling up to the challenge of creating your own Mad Lib? Send us your story with 20 blanks for an additional prize and that we’ll potentially share out as an add-on adventure!